Administrative – THATCamp New York 2012 The Humanities and Technology Camp Tue, 23 Oct 2012 18:56:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Instructions for connecting Macs to the Podium Displays Sat, 06 Oct 2012 16:22:59 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

It appears that there have been a couple of issues in connecting Apple computers to display from the podiums. There a a few simple steps to follow, which should enable you to display your desktop through the projector:

  • Connect your laptop to the VGA cable via dongle (if you need a dongle, let a volunteer or organizer know)
  • On your computer go to System preferences
  • Click on Displays
  • Select Detect Displays

This should find the display and give you options about how you want your desktop to display (through the projector alone or mirroring your desktop through the projector).

If you have any problems let a volunteer or organizer know and we will try to get it resolved as quickly as possible.


Working Session proposal: Watching and Talk Pages in Drupal 7 Thu, 04 Oct 2012 18:30:36 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

Many wikis, including Wikipedia, encourage user-centered curation through a combination of discussion and notification: Talk pages and Watching. Talk pages are forums affiliated with each content page, where users can defend or question posted information, providing both a history of how the wiki page arrived at its present form and a rationale for why it should or shouldn’t change in the future. When Watching is enabled, users can opt to receive email or RSS notifications whenever specified pages are modified; in this way users can help to maintain the quality of content for which they have the greatest expertise.

In this session, I’d like to work on implementing these features within a Drupal 7 site, using modules such as Rules and QuickTabs, to enable watching and tab-separated comments at the level of individual nodes.

I haven’t done this before, so any expert help is welcome, but so are any other intermediate (or even beginner) Drupal users who are interested in figuring it out alongside me.

I’ll be working with a development version of, a D7-based crowdsourced academic genealogy of writing studies, composition and rhetoric.

All Our Ideas Fri, 27 Jul 2012 19:34:22 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

THATCampNY 2012 (TCNY) will take place on October 5 and 6 on the campus of Fordham University at Lincoln Center in New York City. TCNY will be a space for librarians, archivists, researchers, scholars, and computer scientists working within the digital humanities to explore ways to foster collaboration among themselves and libraries, archives, academic institutions, and other information centers.

Some of the emphasis this weekend will be on ways research collections based in New York City and the greater metropolitan area can be exploited to inspire new digital humanities scholarship or to strengthen current projects, but any collection or project is of interest.

Workshops will be available for participants who wish to learn more about specific tools, skills, and platforms for digital scholarship.

For more information about TCNY, write the organizers at thatcampny [at] gmail [dot] com .

Feel free to propose workshops and sessions via All Our Ideas below!
