jaredsimard – THATCamp New York 2012 http://newyork2012.thatcamp.org The Humanities and Technology Camp Tue, 23 Oct 2012 18:56:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.12 Session Proposal Idea: Software/Platforms for Mapping and Timelines, Debating DH skill sets http://newyork2012.thatcamp.org/10/04/session-proposal-idea-softwareplatforms-for-mapping-and-timelines-debating-dh-skill-sets/ http://newyork2012.thatcamp.org/10/04/session-proposal-idea-softwareplatforms-for-mapping-and-timelines-debating-dh-skill-sets/#comments Thu, 04 Oct 2012 21:21:42 +0000 http://newyork2012.thatcamp.org/?p=501 Continue reading ]]>

I would like campers to share and discuss the different software and platforms currently available for mapping and timelines.  A quick list, and please add more in the comments, for timelines would be: Simile, Chronos, Verite; for mapping (and timelines as well): Omeka, Viewshare, Historypin.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of these platforms (perhaps with an emphasis on the level of programming/technology knowledge required)?  I personally use Omeka for my site, but my experience in that has led me to what I hope is a good segue into debating DH skill sets.  I do not mean to rehash the longstanding debate, but possible questions are:   When does programming knowledge turn into a gatekeeper, limiting the implementation of an idea/research? Do advanced programming skills reduce, even eliminate the need for collaboration with those who have those skills?  If someone does not have these skills, what can/is the DH community doing to facilitate acquisition of those skills?  Is a workshop in the timespan of one hour or hours enough to acquire those skills? Are w3schools or codeacademy useful self-teaching platforms? Are funding issues complicating big ideas for solutions to these questions?

I realize this panel proposal slightly overlaps with other proposals and may be better suited to two different sessions, perhaps leading to workshops led by experts in attendance.  I look forward to hearing more ideas in the comments section.

http://newyork2012.thatcamp.org/10/04/session-proposal-idea-softwareplatforms-for-mapping-and-timelines-debating-dh-skill-sets/feed/ 1